“The Espy”…

So yesterday afternoon, I popped to fitzroy, a couple of suburbs over from where I’m living, to see some friends at their shared house. I had planned to stay a couple of hours and then head home…

One of my friend’s living at the house is a full time musician and invited me along to his bands last residency gig at a venue in St Kilda called “The Esplanade” or “The Espy”. I went along and had a brilliant time, the band was great and a large group of us all went back to the house after the show for a little after party..

….I got home this afternoon at 12:30pm.

That’s me for the day now, a lazy day ahead, doing nothing… … recovering.

Life’s all good here in Australia, right now it’s 1.30pm,  31°c sunshine and blue sky.

Happy days!

Peace x

Lunch by the river, onto St Kilda…

I had the day off from work yesterday,  i hadn’t  made plans to do anything but I had to pop into work at about 3.00pm to collect my wages, literally as I arrived there I got a phone call to meet a couple of friends in the city, down by the river for lunch….

We went to a really nice restaurant facing out onto the river, we chilled out there for the afternoon, drinking wine and eating good food, a lovely way to spend the day.

At around 7.30pm we jumped on a tram and headed to a live music venue on the sea front in St Kilda, my friends housemate is a musician, he was playing so we thought we’d check it out.
It was a really good night and afterwards we ended up going back to my friends house for more drinks, a little smoke and to watch some movies on the projector, home cinema stylie!!

I crashed there for the night and got the tram home this morning.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my day yet but if it’s anything exciting I’ll be sure to let you all know in tomorrows post.  


St Kilda…

Today I headed off to St Kilda and spent some time at the beach.

It’s a beautiful place and the weather was lovely, around 35 degrees.

Better than Felixstowe??



I spent around 4 hours wondering around, checked out the local shops and cafés and went to a couple of places for a few beers.


I’m off work again tomorrow and it’s going to be above 40 degrees..

I’ll probably check out Brunswick as I’ve been told by a couple of people it’s a pretty cool area.

Check out the rest of my photos from today..

Keep watching this space for more posts…